Safety on Live!
Reporting a Streamer
If you ever join a stream to find a streamer sharing violence, nudity, or anything else that doesn't follow our Community Guidelines, you can report them within Live!.
- While viewing their stream, tap the triangle with a question mark.
- Confirm that you’re reporting the streamer.
Every time a streamer is reported, a member of our team personally reviews the content of a stream. After that, we take whatever steps are necessary to protect members going forward.
Reporting a Viewer
If you’re streaming and concerned with the behavior or comments of a viewer, you can report them.
- From your stream, tap the member’s profile.
- Tap options (those three dots in the top right), and select Report.
After you report someone, a team member will review the records, and take any necessary action.
Are you a streamer? Learn how to keep your streams safe by using bouncers
If your stream starts to really take off, you might need a little help managing the crowd. As a streamer, you can select reliable members that are viewing your stream to become Bouncers.
Anyone that a bouncer removes, for any reason, will end up on your (the streamer's) blocked list.
To Appoint a Bouncer
- Go to your trusted member's profile, find the Bouncer option and enable it.
You can also remove their Bouncer powers from their profile if need be.
To Unblock a Viewer
- Tap your profile in the top right corner.
- Scroll down, and select Blocked.
- Find and unblock the member. They'll be able to immediately join your streams once again.